5 Reasons to Teach your Children Mandarin (Chinese)

mandarin dictionary

Photo by Ian Lamont / CC BY 2.0

Learning another language always has benefits. In this article, I discuss the top 5 reasons to teach your children Mandarin (Chinese), the most widely spoken language in the world with more than one billion speakers.
Here are some of the benefits of learning Mandarin:

  1. It’s only a matter of time before Mandarin becomes the most widely used language in the business world and the Yuan (Chinese currency) is the business currency of the future. When most transactions are happening in Yuan and business conversations in Mandarin, learning the language would keep your child current with the future world economy.
  2. Learning Mandarin is like opening a gateway to a new world. It will help your child secure a job, start a business or network with well-known businesspeople.
  3. Mandarin is the primary native language in China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, as well as being spoken by people around the world. So your child can comfortably work, study or do business in these places. Nearly all multi-national companies that are headquartered in America do business in China, so learning Mandarin would be an instant boost to your kid’s career, as he or she would have an edge over monolingual English speakers.
  4. Learning Mandarin will give your kid an insight into the five thousand year old Chinese culture and history. Language is a roadmap of a culture; it tells you about how the people originated and where they are heading to. This cultural knowledge will be invaluable in any interactions with Chinese people.
  5. This language will help you prepare your kid for the future and also make him more competitive. Learning Mandarin will also help him or her to meet new people, improve your work skills, and develop personal relationships.
  6. A different language is a window into a different world view. So if your child learns Mandarin, he/she will simultaneously learn to look at life from a different perspective. This versatility is essential in today’s global culture.

I conclude by saying “The limits of your language are the limits of your world, so spread your wings and extend your world.”

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