Top 3 Tips for Learning French

French is the most common foreign language taught in schools now, especially since we are neighbours with France. Learning French can be difficult but with the help of these top tips things can be easier.

Tip 1: Practise Your French

As with all languages, it is important that you keep up to scratch with the language. You should be continuously practising the language. Try to do the following:

  • Write notes to yourself in French, or keep a diary in French and make daily entries. Look back through the diary every few weeks and see what spelling mistakes or grammatical errors you have made, don’t hesitate to look up words or phrases in your French dictionary.
  • Listen to French audiobooks. Try audiobooks for younger children first, and then when you’re more comfortable with the language try to listen to ones tailored for more experienced French listeners.
  • Speak and record. Record your spoken French, and play it back to yourself and correct any mistakes.
  • Read the French newspapers. Try and get your hands on a French newspaper and practise reading, you might need the assistance of your dictionary.

If you have a smartphone try download the Google Translate app for Android or Apple, or if you have the internet try the website. This can often be faster than searching through a French to English dictionary.

Tip 2: Use Online Resources

Try one of the following online resources:


French Tuition LessonTip 3: Find a French Tutor

A French tutor can often be the most effective method of learning French. The tutor can coach you, while correcting all your mistakes in the language along the way. Many tutors will come to your house and provide one-to-one personal and a custom-tailored curriculum to suit your needs. Some tutors will also provide group tuition at a discounted price.

To get help in finding your French tutor click here.

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